Seamly2d program deleting itself

Hi. Updated to latest version of Seamly2d about a week ago, everything has been working fine, and today the program gave me an error notice and closed, and appears to have deleted from my computer. Supporting files and SeamlyMe still in my files, but the actual program is gone.

I have now attempted to download again (twice) and I was able to open and close the program once, and then again the program file disappeared.

Is this a seamly problem, or a me problem??

Also the last version I was using I downloaded in 2023 and was happily using up until a week ago with no problems.

Thanks for your help!

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Hello and welcome to the forum, @em.jay

Firstly, @Douglas will need to know what operating system you’re working on to determine whether it’s a Seamly or a me problem, and also see a screenshot of the error notice, please.

I’m going to assume Windows… I can confirm that Defender was quarantining the Seamly2D.exe file on my system with the builds made on 3/20, 3/21, and 3/24 (mon’s release). I believe this to be a false positive as there was no issue with the releases on 3/10, and 3/17. Plus I re-ran the job for the 3/21 PR and it is running fine now Seamly2D.exe is still there after 40+ mins. I don’t get it, as the file from the 3/21 and the one I just built should be identical - nothing in the source has changed. ??? I also ran Virus Total on all the releases for 3/24 on Github and they all came up clean. I scanned my system, and other than the installs of 3-20/21/24, nothing else was flagged.

You can try and download the artifact that I just rebuilt:


I also have problems installing the new version Seamly2d for Windows 64

I found the solution! My antivirus detected Seamly2D-installer.exe as malicious and sent it to the “quarantine” section. I turned off my antivirus and was able to install it.


I just recommend updating to the newest release. Tuesday we bumped up a newer release than Monday’s that doesn’t trigger Defender to quarantine Seamly2D.exe. Plus there’s the added benefit of some updates to the FX editor. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks @Douglas ! This seems to have been my problem!

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