SeamlyMe - no permission

Hey guys!! im new to this and already appreciating so much what you (all creators!!!) did here :smiley: but im kinda stuck at the beginningā€¦

i was about to add my measurements - and by saving the first one as a fine the info came:

File couldnā€™t be saved No such file or directory

but I am creating it right now / saving it?? and i wanna save it in my User fileā€¦ (using a Mac - if that info is neededā€¦)

thanks a lot in advance!


Hello and welcome to the Seamly Forum, @LiiFili

Iā€™m not too sure how it works on Mac, but normally folders will be created in the program folder for multisize and individual measurements, so you need to navigate to the appropriate folder to save your pattern into it. Otherwise, you can open a folder in your User file and navigate to it.

Iā€™m on Windows 10 and I have a Seamly folder on my desktop which, I have a Measurements & Patterns file inside it. Inside the Measurements file, I have my Individual & Multisize folders. This way, I have everything close at hand & donā€™t need to navigate to different places to find something.

Once youā€™ve established where you would like to save everything, you can set the File > Application Preferences > File Paths in Seamly2D:


Then both Seamly2D & SeamlyME should find the folders without you needing to navigate to them every time.