Search Featurin Drafting

It would be great if you could put the “Number” (H05, I01 e.g.) in the dialog box that pops up with your measurements when you are drafting so that you can search by it instead of having to type in, let’s say, neck and pull up 6 items to still have to look through.

Thank you.


I think it’s been discussed somewhere before, but there’s never been a formal issue added to Github. I’ve made a note to do so. :slight_smile:

It should be relatively easy to add the “Number” column in the fx editor for the measurements, thus making the Numbers searchable.


Thanks Douglas, that would be great!

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Done. I added a (diagram) number column. Number data is included in the search filter. I also increased the minumum dialog width to 750 px.


Custom measurements show as “na” or not applicable.



Thank you very much, @Douglas :star_struck:

Edit: Is it possible to set the minimum width to quite a bit less? Then one can drag the width wider or narrower according to what one wants to see? Perhaps a scroll bar at the bottom to scroll across if one wants to see anything else?

And then… :grin: Is it at all possible to have an option to view the image of the measurement area when one clicks on the (diagram) number line (similar to the one in SeamlyME)?

Perhaps have a “Show Diagram” checkbox at the top to the right of the “Hide Empty Measurements” checkbox.

Something like this:

Some of the measurement areas appear very similar to others in words, so I think something like this will help beginners to identify the correct measurement.

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Yes… but then it does this with the last column eliding… and you’re going to get tired of having to resize the dialog everytime. All I did was add 100px to account for adding the Number col.


It’s also difficutlt to size the headers (col width) in a table. So the best tradeoff is: currently columns are set to a minimum width of 70px to hold the “Number” col. Then the attribute resizeColumnsToContents() is set so columns will at least exapand to hold the contents without eliding… such as arm_shoulder_tip_to_wrist_bentn the last option is the last column is set to setStretchLastSection(true) so the last colum will sretch when the window is resized larger - without affecting the other columns.

If you don’t set the last column to stretch, then all the columns stretch when you resize and it looks crappy.

The Table is already in a scrollbox… but apparently the horizontal one is disabled by the fact the col width is set to contents & last col stretched - even if the option horizontalScrollBarPolicy is set to ScrollBarAlwaysOn (I usally set the scroll policy to ScrollBarAsNeeded).

You know… I thought of that, and then thought it would just be overkill. :grin:

There’s also the issue that it may prove difficult to access the diagrams in SeamlyMe project from the fx dialog in the Libs project. I’ll have to see.

I also thought of having the diagram image popup when you hover over a measurement number. Wouldn’t require any addional buttons or space in the dialog.


Thank you so much!

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Ok, leave it at the 750px. At least one can read everything.

That would also be amazing. Then it can actually be larger than the box that I thought of and will be better to see. Will we have a check box to turn that feature on & off?

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I did some checking and it seems like it shouldn’t be too much trouble to load a diagram image via HTML and set the hover tooltip. And yes I thought of adding a pref to show the image or not.


Considering how much narrower the actual numbers are than the title “Number,” might it not be better to abreviate: “Num,” or I actually prefer “#” but realize that kids these days don’t know that “#” is “number” when not being used as a “hash-tag”. On the other hand, I’m not certain it would save enough pixels to make a difference either.



When will be able to see the change? I just updated to the latest version dated 1/3/25 and it’s not showing the number column.


It’ll only come through next Monday.

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That’s what I was thinking but just wanted to make sure :slightly_smiling_face:


I should have maybe been more specific… when I said “Done” I meant I got the feature working on a feature branch my local build. I have yet to upload the changes to Github to get merged with the main project.

Also based on Grace’s request I’m adding to the feature so that when you hover over a diagram number the image will popup. Hopefully it makes it into next Monday’s reelease. :slight_smile: