Hi: I am learning how to use SeamlyMe and Seamly2D. I have used a few pattern systems to create paper pencil blocks. I have now found one that seems to work very well for me following Sewing For a Living guidelines. I would like to use this Pattern System on my Me measurements and then in developing my patterns.
I don’t know if this is possible. Just a request from someone learning how to use and understand this wonderful program.
Also I find the program is in very small font. There may be an easy way to increase the font, but I haven’t found it yet. I am incongruously using a magnifying glass to my computer screen to read the toolbar. If there is an easy way to increase the font I would be indebted to learn of it. The short cut keys I usually use for magnification don’t seem to work.
Thanks Lois
Hi @Scrubble, welcome to our forum!
You may use Seamly2D and SeamlyMe as you choose, for business, for friends and family, and for fun.
Try changing your computer display setting for your computer’s Scale and Layout to 125%:
And increase the default point label size in File>Application Preferences>Graphics>Fonts
Unfortunately, changing the GUI font size doesn’t change the GUI font size