Solved: Help - open Seamly Pattern Design & Measurement files

I just bought the files from the Seamly website, but I do not understand how to use them. I did manage to enter the .smms file into Seamly Me but I do not seem to have the possibility to open the .sm2d file. Normally my Seamly files are .val files. My version (Seamly2D) is 2023.1.23.230 Any suggestions will be greatly appresiated!

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Ah! Sorry! An upgrade solved everything!


Yes… recently we did update the apps to now write the sm2d, smms, and smis extensions. You can still open the old val extensions, but it will write the new extensions when you save. Obviously the older versions of the apps will not open the new extensions.


Hi Douglas, I am new here, thus the question (maybe dummy one) about that seamly bundle. I suppose the bundle saves time, right? How does it actually work? I will upload it to the software and will have all the basics patterns, but can I amend afterwards to create new patterns/designs? File is in inches or cm? thanks


The bundle saves having to begin drafting from scratch. So, yes, it saves time. Having downloaded the bundle, you will load the file in Seamly, just like any file. I am out of touch with the legal side, but am pretty sure we couldn’t offer the bundle for sale, being as it’s based off Aldrich’s directions, unless it was okay for you to amend for personal gain. The previous coding developer hard-coded multi-size measurements for cm, so the file would be in cm.

I hope that this was helpful. @Douglas @Grace & @slspencer will be by, & correct any misconceptions I may have, probably sometime today.


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The bundle is a basic set with multisize measurements based on Winifred Aldrich’s book and is in centimeters.

Everytime you create a new design, you need to create a new basic pattern and then develope your new design from it. Having the basic set saves you loads of time by not having to recreate the basic set from scratch each time. So, yes, you can amend, edit and add to the basic set to create your new designs.

As always, there will be a bit of a learning curve while you learn how to use the Seamly software and it may help you if you buy the Aldrich book to see how she suggests that adjust things to create new patterns.

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Pattern instructions are legally no different than a food recipe. You can’t copyright a recipe, but you can copyright your presentation of one. If pattern instructions and recipes were copyrightable, humans would have froze and starved long ago. :wink: