Superposition piece probleme

Bonjour, Désolée de vous déranger, j’ai un problème lors du plan de coupe, j’ai des superposition de pièce alors que mon format de feuille est largement suffisant, pourquoi ? quelqu’un peu m’aider ?


Merci de votre aide, je n’avais pas de superposition de pièce auparavant



Il s’agit apparemment d’un problème lié au fonctionnement de l’algorithme de mise en page. Lorsque je l’ai examinée, ma disposition comportait deux pièces coincées à l’intérieur d’autres pièces. Une solution consiste à laisser apparaître la ligne de couture. Une autre solution consisterait à imprimer en mode pièce. Une solution plus élégante serait d’essayer de modifier la taille de la mise en page de quelques centièmes, ou même de modifier la “Règle de choix de la pièce suivante”. J’ai obtenu de bons résultats en utilisant A2.

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original English: It’s apparently an issue with how the Layout algorithm works. When I looked at it, my Layout had two pieces stuck inside other ones. A work around is to allow the seam line to show. Another work around would be to print from Piece mode. A more elegant solution might be to try changing the size of the layout by a couple hundreths, or even changing “Rule for choosing next workpiece.” I had good results using A2.


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I seem to recall this happening before… When I get a chance I’ll take a look at it on my laptop.

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Not a bother.

I was able to create a layout without the pieces overlapping:


But let me ask…

  1. What build version / date are you using?

  2. What are your layout print settings? I want to see if I can reproduce the issue… and fix it, as it shouldn’t be doing this.

  3. Is there a reason why the pieces that are overlappig are using a builtin seam allowance? builtin


ah merci beaucoup…

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j’ai ceci

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Envoi en cours : image.png… les paramètres du logiciel

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I don’t think the image link uploaded correctly. Can you repost.

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Voici dans les paramètres générales

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Voici encore les paramètres générales


Merci pour votre aide

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In an unrelated ussue… can I assume you are using a screen resolution set at 125%? I noticed that the dialog buttons are overlappring the frame - which happens when the resolution is greater than 100%. I’m trying to fix issues with large dialogs and higher resolutions so they adjust to the screen size, and noticed the button issue in some of the dialogs.

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Can you post the print settings used that caused the overlapping pieces in the layout? I’m trying to figure out why it’s doing that.


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voici la capture que vous avez demandé image


@Douglas avec les paramètres j’ai un chevauchement que voici image

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@Pneumarian comment puis je faire cela ?

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Please see the image above to show or hide the seam line. Right-click on the pattern piece and it will be in the menu that appears.

Which currently only has an effect if the seam allowance is NOT builtin. Once I get back to finishing the update to the seam allowance, then it will have an effect.

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