I downloaded Valentina, Build revision b6e0a13808df about 2 weeks ago. It worked normally until today.
This morning Mc Afee disabled tape.exe, mentioning what I wrote in the subject. The program is now in quarantin and I cannot edit any more the measurements.
It should have a button that says “click here to download” If you click, it will ask you for your email address and send you to a page that lets you download the latest version. The product is in the middle of being rebranded and renamed. You will see that the installed program is Seamly2D which replaces the Valentina program and the measurement program is names SeamlyMe, which replaces the TAPE program. This forum provides support for those programs.
The multi measurement file GOST_man_ru.vst is probably the culprit… not because there’s a virus, but McAfee is seeing it as such. Besides unless you’re needing Russian mens sizes this file is useless.
Thank you for letting us know @phs. Good luck with your work. If you have questions once you get started, feel free to come back to the forum and somebody will help