Trying to get seam to jog

can’t figure out how to get seam to jog at a 90 degree angle at pt A1. emily 110424.smis (1.2 KB) 2024 gala dress.sm2d (12.8 KB)

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2024 gala dress.sm2d (12.8 KB)

I added a point (A1a) 0.5cm away from A1, added it to the pattern piece and left the SA at the default. It’s not perfect, but it’s better. You can decrease the distance to much less, if you wish.



It’s a fuzzy math thing… it doesn’t seem to like the 0.375 for the A1 after allowance. I just bumped it to 0.38 and it works. A 0.005" is not going to make a descernable difference. Actually bumping it to 0.03751 even works.



Technically it would be better if it’s a vertical vent, as the allowance hangs better. I always would cut the vents at a slight angle.


thank you so much!


i added a point next to the point i want to jog down from and now it doesn’t seem to change when i pick different angles.

2024 gala dress.sm2d (25.3 KB) emily 110424.smis (1.2 KB)


You can remove the extra point (A23) because it’s not necessary.

At point A20, just add or deduct 0.01 from the After amount and set the angle to 1st or 2nd edge symmetry:

Technically we should be able to eliminate point A20 as well, and assuming one may want the 3/8th SA as thesecond edge symmetry… but we can only get a 0.0 SA or a 1.5 SA regardless of whether 1st or 2nd symmetry is selected.

Screenshot 2024-12-06 011248 Screenshot 2024-12-06 011214

We can’t get this:


Since it doesn’t work the way we’d want, we have to add that second point to fudge the allowance so it falls on center.

I think the SA “Angle” needs some work. :roll_eyes:

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Yes, it does, but let’s finish the project that you’re working on first, please.

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thank you. for some reason i couldn’t get it to work before but now it does!


Which project? LOL

BTW… Hell AND high water came today… I finally solved the major issue with the Internal Path tool. :heart_eyes:

I just have a minor detail to fix with refreshing the geometry of an Ipath in a pattern piece if you delete it. Then there’s the issue with the disappearing Ipath from Piece #1 when the union tool is used, but that’s really a union tool issue. Now that the Internal Path tool is fixed, the Union tool should be at least stable, and not throw bad Id errors.


:star_struck: Oh, well done!!! I’m so happy that you survived the fire & flood. Thank you very much.

Barely. It’s been months, and 3 branches later. :roll_eyes: There was bascially 3 major bugs with the Internal Paths, each contributing a different failure mode. I spent hours over the last couple days building and running the app through the debugger, trying to track the incrementing / decrementing counts of the path tool, the path nodes, and the point tools… all the while saving dozens of pattern files so I can see what the app was writing to the xml.