Unable to enumerate family ' "Artificial Intelligence PERSONAL USE" '

Hello everyone, I just updated the program and I get this error when I log in:

Unable to enumerate family ’ “Artificial Intelligence PERSONAL USE” ’

and when I enter the measurements I get the same thing

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Not sure what you mean by “log in”? Normally you just run the application.

The “unable to enumerate family” is generally realated to fonts… although I have no idea why or what font would be “Artificial Intelligence PERSONAL USE”.

The “Qt Unable to enumerate family” warning typically occurs when Qt is unable to find a specified font family on your system. Here’s how to troubleshoot and fix it:

Understanding the Warning

  • Missing Font: The most likely reason is that the font family you’re trying to use isn’t installed on your system.
  • Incorrect Font Name: Double-check the font family name for typos or incorrect capitalization.
  • Qt Bug: In rare cases, it might be a bug in Qt itself, although this is less likely.

Troubleshooting and Solutions

  • Verify Font Installation:

    • Check if the font is installed on your system.
    • If not, install the required font.
  • Check Font Name:

    • Ensure that you’re using the correct font family name.
    • Use QFontDatabase.families() to get a list of available font families.

Hello Douglas, thank you por you reply.

Yes, when I run the application, jeje

When I search for that font on my computer, I get:

Artificial Intelligence PERSONAL USE regular

maybe the word “regular” is the problem :thinking:

I don’t know how to use QFontDatabase.families() . I’m going to try to make a patron and see if that issue doesn’t affect it.

Thank you so much

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