Updated About Dialog

Hey Folks… I updated the About Dialog.

Dialog is now split into 3 tabs.

  • About - Displays the basic build and legal information. This tab also adds a Copy to Clipboard that copies the build and system information to the clipboard that can then be pasted into for ex: a bug report.
  • Moves the downloading widget to the button box area .
  • Now displays the proper compiler version for MSVC when MSVC 2019 or greater.

Screenshot 2024-04-20 033348

  • System - Displays extended information about the build and machine system. Screenshot 2024-04-20 002652

  • Contributors - Displays the list of project contributors. Fixes the list so it is actually in alphabetical order. Updates the list with new contributors. Screenshot 2024-04-20 002736


I like it. But personally I think the left logo band is over the top. For me it’s to big and he Seamly2d logo seems streched and what font you used for “SEAMLY2D”? Is that part of the logo? Because looking at the seamly webpage I can’t find that specific font.

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Guess you missed the Welcome screens…


Fixed the aspect ratio so it’s not stretched. image

Because the website was done well after the logos were done.

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I also think that this font gives an “old school” look which does not inspire confidence very much in 2024 :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I think the font/logo used on the forum and on the main website is much more modern : image

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The new font on the website logos is Sofia Pro Soft


We can’t just keep changing logos, fonts, color schemes, icons at every new user’s whim. :roll_eyes:

That being said I took the time to update the logo to the Sofia font… and boy does it inspire confidence now. :slightly_smiling_face:



I totally agree. It needs to be totally static so that it gets recognized, at a glance, in years to come.

I don’t want to spread confusion. I was just curious where the original lettering came from. Personally, I like the new design (Sofia Pro Soft font) better, but would also copy the spelling of the website here, as “Seamly” and not “SEAMLY”. But I agree with you that we should concentrate on the appliocation and the more important points first


I love the warm feminine energy of the Sofia Pro Soft font. The other font has a more brutalist/industrial masculine energy which I find less personally appealing.

But what makes a brand isn’t the logo & fonts any more than a person is their hairdo or makeup – The facade is important to say, “Yes, this is me,” at a glance, so Douglas & Grace are absolutely right that we should should stick to a style. The brand is the story of what Seamly means.

In short, what the about dialog needs is a tab giving the story of Susan’s epic quest of learning French & advanced mathematics in order to bring computer aided pattern-cutting to the small atelier, the struggle to make it a viable product, & the lead devs who have shared the vision.

It needn’t be much more than the Author section of the vim man page:

       Most of Vim was made by Bram Moolenaar, with a lot of help from others.
       See ":help credits" in Vim.
       Vim  is  based  on Stevie, worked on by: Tim Thompson, Tony Andrews and
       G.R. (Fred) Walter.  Although hardly any of the original code remains.

:coin: :coin:



From yet someone else that did the “Red S” version of the logos.

You mean like this? :wink:


I tried with the lowercase… doesn’t look right with the y going below the baseline. It throws everything off.




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Just keep in mind that Sofia Pro Soft is an Adobe font. It’s not free. Not everyone is going to have it. If you don’t have the font, you can’t edit the SVG to create the PNG used in the UI forms. We also can’t use it directly in the UI forms. That’s why it’s smart to stick to standard fonts that are available to all OS’s. That’s the problem with Web developers that don’t consider these issues.


Good point, what about licence fees? Are we allowed to use the font at all

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There’s probably a similar free font. Which is fine for the logo image, but we still want to stick to the default system font for ui forms, as a user needs to have the font on their machine to work. This was a big issue with the MacOS as fonts like Segoe UI(which Creator for some reason defaults to) or Times was causing machines to freeze.


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Freely available Arial Rounded Screenshot 2024-04-23 030002

Licensed Sofia Soft Pro image


The Arial has a similar vibe, slightly more androgynous, (which might be better?) but still very much not brutalist (which is definitely a good thing IMO.) Arial Rounded Bold might be closer? But the pricing & lack of subservience to the Adobe-industrial complex fits Seamly’s brand better. :seamlylogo:



That was my thought too… I checked - that is Arial Rounded Bold. I could play with the stroke to fatten it up a bit, but I think it’s close enough. The main difference is the M, but IMO a minor thing.