Try it again…we fixed the issue with the Visual C++ library. You may need to ‘Run as administrator’ depending on your user account.
Download the new Seamly2D-installer.exe. If you get permission errors, right-click on seamly2d-installer.exe and select ‘Run as Administrator’.
Select Open or Keep at the end of file downloading if your browser says This file is not commonly downloaded (it’s an .exe file, so they’re looking out for your safety.)
Select More Info and Run Anyway in the Windows blue popup messages . The popup messages will go away after enough people install the software, the number of downloads required is known only to Microsoft.
When the Visual C++ prompt appears, you’ll be asked to Install or Repair.
Bonjour Susan,
J’ai essayé d’installer la mise à jour mais après l’étape “exécuter quand même” windows m’empêche de poursuivre
voilà le message
J’ai tenté en exécutant en tant qu’administrateur mais en vain.
Merci de votre aide.
Bonne journée
After installing Microsoft C++ I was prompted for a restart and I did so. After which, Seamly2D opened fine.
What I’m wondering is whether Seamly2D needs to prompt for a restart? Since it’s installing Microsoft C++?
Anyway, I still received the Windows warning during the initial install of Seamly2D (which I suspected if I’m one of the first installers), but other than the above mentioned error, everything else seems fine.
Bonjour @Claudette, veuillez installer le fichier d’exécution Microsoft Visual C ++ à partir d’ici: et redémarrez votre ordinateur.
Réinstallez ensuite Seamly2D.
Faites-nous savoir si cela fonctionne pour vous!
The MS VCRuntime install requires a reboot. This file is already included in the Seamly2D-installer.exe but it’s not executing quickly enough. We’re working on fixing the Seamly2D installer file so that you don’t have to go to the Microsoft site to get the file.
Hi @Barpom! Welcome to the forum. Glad the install went well for you, you may have already had the VCRuntime_1.dll file installed on your system. Let us know what you think of the new release!
Have done a very small project using the new build (a covid-19 face-covering), and everything went fine. What differences or improvements should I notice ?
Hello Susan,
J’ai suivi toutes les étapes décrites : installation de VCruntime, installation de la mise à jour, redémarrer mon PC, lorsque j’ai voulu ouvrir seamly2d il ne reconnaissait pas le VCruntime et me demandait de réinstaller seamly2d, ce que j’ai fait mais encore un message d’erreur
J’ai tout désinstaller et ai réinstaller seamly2d je pouvais me connecter mais quand j’ai à nouveau tenté la mise à jour, nouvel échec avec le message ci-dessus.
HI @Clauettedu02, kindly please install again! I have updated the instructions at the top of this thread – follow those steps and please let us know the results.