What are orientation, rotation, tilt in pattern piece properties?

What do the orientation, rotation, and tilt properties do?

I can’t find anything about them in the wiki/manual, but maybe I’m looking in the wrong place. Do these change the way pieces are placed in Layout mode? I’ve tried changing them and if it does anything I can’t tell.


I’ve never used these, but I think they are to do with restraining the placing in the layout when you get to that section.

Perhaps @Douglas can explain better :grinning:


They’re attributes that would appear on the label to aid in laying out the pattern pieces on your fabric. When Marker functionality is imbued to Seamly, they may serve a function in the software beyond attributes on the label. (At least, I think that’s what Douglas indicated.) So, no, they don’t have an effect – beyond templates indicating that labels should auto-fill with that attribute.



Ohhhhh, I see! Thanks!


All the properties (currently) relate to use in the Piece label. You can add a placeholder for these varibles when you edit a label templpate:


I don’t lnpw the exact history as I was not there when the labels were added. Normally these are common properties in the pattern industry, where the programmer that added them to the label code figured they were needed, but was not on the same page as the main dev. They also have an odd terminolgy to them. The properties are normally used when creating markers - which Seamly currently does not specifically do. For example tilt… would dictate how much off grain a piece can be placed on the marker. Rotation determines which way a piece can rotate… like maybe you don’t want to rotate if using a fabric with a nap. Orientation determines if the piece can be flippped… is it the left or right side… or more precisely is the piece wrong side up or down.

I left them in when updating the Pattern Piece dialog soas to not break any existing patterns that may have used these placeholder… with the idea that at some point we’ll implement a true marker functionality where these properties would then be used.


a nice and concise explanation … Thanks!