I cant add passmark. I click on node N1a2
I right-click and give options(opcje)
I choose passmark and can’t edit
What am I doing wrong?
I cant add passmark. I click on node N1a2
I right-click and give options(opcje)
I choose passmark and can’t edit
What am I doing wrong?
If I look at the 1st picture, it seems that you have the order of your nodes slightly out at A17a2. Hence the little line peeking out at the top:
Perhaps check the order first before you try to add the node. And then add the passmark in the same place that you check the order… Right click on the node & click Add Passmark to place a checkmark next to it. Then you will be able to change the type of passmark you require, as in your last image.
You first have to have added a node in the pattern piece main path. Then using the right button context menu in the Workpiece Tool dialog you need to make sure the node is “Included” in the path, and you have to select “Notch” to make the node a notch. One you’ve done that the notch(es) will show in the list of notches which you can edit what type, subtype, and geometry the notch has.
When you set a node to be a notch the will be displayed to indicate the node is a notch.
While I’m at it… all paths need to be selected in clockwise direction. If a curve was created in a counterclockwise direction you need to reverse the direction. The and
icons will indicate which direction the curve is going.
All path objects that are excluded will have a strikethrough the text.
Hope this helps.
As you will have noticed from @Douglas’s reply, Seamly & Valentina are beginning to diverge notably. So, though his advice should be usable, as time goes on it will be harder to apply Seamly information to Valentina. I think I speak truly for him & all the devs when I say that we would love for you to help us implement Polish translations.
GT: Jak zauważyłeś z odpowiedzi @Douglas, Seamly i Valentina zaczynają się znacznie różnić. Tak więc, chociaż jego rada powinna być użyteczna, z biegiem czasu trudniej będzie zastosować informacje Seamly do Valentina. Myślę, że mówię naprawdę za niego i wszystkich twórców, kiedy mówię, że bardzo chcielibyśmy, abyście pomogli nam we wdrożeniu polskich tłumaczeń.
& I know I would welcome seeing, & hopefully learning more of, my grandmother’s native tongue.
GT: Wiem, że z radością zobaczyłbym i mam nadzieję, że nauczyłbym się więcej o ojczystym języku mojej babci.
Ooops… didn’t notice the user was using Valentina. Yes - Schema wise they already diverged quite a bit, while still functionally the same, but yes even that will be changing a lot more .
I need to familiarize myself with running the Lupdate so we can have current translation files for others to help translate.