All useful tutorials are primarily in English
Does anyone know of a good tutorial for beginners on how to use Seamly2D
Well, the one option for YouTube videos - if there is an audio track with someone narrating, you can turn on the CC (closed caption) and have it translate.
Hopefully we can keep growing the Seamly community where other users can help contribute tutorials in other languages.
Well… I know when I first opened the Valentina app (before we forked it into Seamly2D), I was sort of lost as it’s not your typical CAD or Vector drawing app. So there was that Ok… what do I do now? momment. I found the “Panty” video on Youtube, and it then made sense to me how the app worked. Of course, Seamly2D has diverged quite a bit from the orignal as far as the UI layout, and different features, but you can still get a good idea how things works from some of the Val tutorials.
There are a lot of videos listed in the Wiki in French, Spanish, Russian and German besides English. I haven’t watched them, because I only speak fluent English and Afrikaans with tiny smatterings of Zulu & Suthu. However, I did put a few posts up on my blog to get people started, that have videos on Youtube for the 1st few items. The blog is written in English, so if you use Google Chrome, you can right-click on the text and choose to translate it into a language of your preference. The videos have no sound at all. They are a type of ‘show & tell’ that accompany the text on the blog. I did these in 2021, so they are a bit dated, but not too badly.
I have made videos for constructing a waistcoat using the Blue Book of Men’s tailoring.They are not basic how to’s but they follow the draft and use the tools in the program. They are silent. I meant to add audio at some point but didnt get around to it. I also haven’t uploaded them anywhere so they are living on my own hard drive. I would be interested in opinions on whether they might be useful and how I could make them available.
Not that I have a real need now, since the fire destroyed my costume business… being they’re Blue book based, I’d be interested just to see how you went about drafting with the system. I’ve drafted a bunch of patterns from the Blue Book, mainly on paper, but have done a few in Seamly.
As far how to make them available… I haven’t tried yet, but you may be able to upload them to the Wiki - as opposed to providing a link to somewhere lije Youtube - it requires you to create a seperate wiki account. If you can make it available to me I can upload it to the Seamly Facebook page - I have admin privileges there. Maybe I can get admin privileges to the Seamly Youtube page… otherwise you can always put it on your iwn Youtube page… and then put a link in the Wiki.
Personally though I’d prefer having video content on Seamly FB and / or YT where it consolidated instead of spread all over.
I make a complete free tutorial on how to use Seamly2d, but it is in Spanish. Not if you can understand it. Anyway, I invite you to my Youtube channel Fashion Patron
Hmmm…I’ve never checked, but I wonder if Youtube can translate the CC from languages other than English? Translated CC is not the best option, but at least one can follow along and understand a video in another language.