Hello all, I have some questions about the use of splines (here : Interactive) :
I have, as an example, set several points on a curved line (which is actually a circle, but I needed a simple template). These points are to be connected on a spline:Interactive (CNTL+S) as shown in the first graphic:
Here I have simply joined the point (anti-clockwise) with the Interactive Spline Tool … Easy!
For reasons only known to me, I wanted to make the curves effectively mirrored (without using the mirroring function in Seamly2D for now). So I made two separate splines from E7 to E2 in opposing directions.
Now, to my question(s)
When selecting the spline as an element when creating a new piece - and the selection is to be done Clockwise (I hear) does the indicated spline direction (arrows) have any effects on this process?
EDIT #1: I have now taken the time to experiment and found that this is indeed relevant!
Apart from the slight increase in effort involved in making two splines - which is easer for me at this time - to ensure complete and accurate mirroring of the two halves?
If I were to actually use the Mirror Tool, are any of the formulas also copied, or is the mirror-image corrected when the original is altered in any way?