Hello all,
I have some questions about the use of splines (here : Interactive) :
I have, as an example, set several points on a curved line (which is actually a circle, but I needed a simple template).
These points are to be connected on a spline:Interactive (CNTL+S) as shown in the first graphic:
Here I have simply joined the point (anti-clockwise) with the Interactive Spline Tool … Easy!
For reasons only known to me, I wanted to make the curves effectively mirrored (without using the mirroring function in Seamly2D for now).
So I made two separate splines from E7 to E2 in opposing directions.
Now, to my question(s)
When selecting the spline as an element when creating a new piece - and the selection is to be done Clockwise (I hear) does the indicated spline direction (arrows) have any effects on this process?
EDIT #1: I have now taken the time to experiment and found that this is indeed relevant!
Apart from the slight increase in effort involved in making two splines - which is easer for me at this time - to ensure complete and accurate mirroring of the two halves?
If I were to actually use the Mirror Tool, are any of the formulas also copied, or is the mirror-image corrected when the original is altered in any way?
The Mirror Tool mirrors the elements’ current positions, not their position at the time of using. So the Mirror Tool should only be used when you know that the mirror image of the elements is what is required.
This sentence doesn’t parse. But assuming that you’re asking “[What is the best way] to ensure complete…” due to fuzzy math reasons, I assume that mirroring is more 1:1 so if you’re mixing Mirroring & mirror-drafting, Mirror first & draft off that, because the Mirror probably won’t perfectly align with the mundanely drafted elements, so you’re likely to get weird seamallowances.
Oh yes, & you can always hold Shift while clicking curves to reverse the trace direction.
Thanks for responding, we’ll have to agree to ‘disagree’ about the syntax / parsing … it still makes sense to me, or maybe that’ because I know what’s going on in this befuddled brain (and can mentally ignore the question mark … my bad).
seems I am having issues understanding the ‘SHIFT+CLICK’ for reversing curve & spline directions. This does not work for me in the ‘Draft-Piece’'… Where & when is this function active please?
(I will be trying this in ‘other’ places too, and get back to you if I find this myself )
I think I should have worded that sentence in the opposite direction.
When tracing off the pattern (using the Add New Pattern Piece tool,) if a curve is pointing against the clockwise path, hold shift to force Seamly2D to trace it in the opposite direction as it was made.
Note that most of the time Seamly2D is able to predict that a curve needs reversed anyway, which is a fairly recent (year or two?) development implemented by Douglas, but there are exceptions so it’s good to be in the habit.
I do have one other query, I could make a new ‘Topic’, but the issue is very connected to Curves & Splines.
In the properties dialogue for a spline
The ‘Length’ and ‘Angle’ of the control points seem to be dynamically settable by ‘Functions’ involving external values.
I wanted to be to copy the properties of a point, which I wanted to ‘mirror’ (Not the Mirror-Tool!)
I saw to my dismay that although ‘Control-Point Length’ was apparently foreseen to be evaluated, the table is not filled - on that subject, there is currently no provision for ‘Control-Point Angle’ … Are there plans to realize this functionality? … I hesitate to ask Douglas, but find (for lack of other inspiration) that being able to use these properties would be very useful.
The only other method that I have seen (in a beginners class by @Grace ) was to connect the points on the curve with Point_Line&Angle and then use these lines’ properties as the reference for the control-point functions.
I assume that currently, this is the preferred method.
As one can plainly see, I am still struggling to find my bearings in this application. There seem to by a multitude of ways to achieve a particular result.
My problem here is, that the paths I have taken, to reach a result have nearly all ended at a dead-end because of inherent problems which I have built into my structures, and this seems to be down to my inability to use the tools provided to their maximum potential.
Remember that XML is very linear. If you haven’t created a spline/curve before this one, then there’s nothing to show in the list. It won’t add something that you used in this spline because it hasn’t been created yet.
If you look at one of the files that I sent you the other day, you’ll see that I created separate splines for each section. If you open the formula wizard on one of the splines, you’ll see that the ones that went before are listed.