How to replicate pattern from a picture ? Patron depuis une photo

Hi everyone,

I need help on how to make a pattern on seamly form an existing paper/fabric pattern. I always drap the dress on my manequin first, and so I would like to be able to use these flat pattern pieces I created by hand.

I was thinking that I could be able to digitize them (by taking a picture or doing a scan), transfert these images into seamly2D, reproduce my pattern lines using seamly tools, and from this and the graduate them to make more sizes of it.

Do you know if it it possible and if so how can I do this ?

Thank you so much for your help ! Anne-Sophie

Français: Bonjour à tous,

Je crĂ©e mes patrons Ă  partir de toiles directement faites sur le mannequin. Et je cherche donc un moyen pour reproduire ces patrons sur seamly 2D. Je pensais scanner ou prendre une photo de ma toile puis utiliser les outils de seamly pour dĂ©calquer et recrĂ©er les lignes et les courbes Ă  la bonne Ă©chelle. Pour finalement pouvoir grader d’autres tailles. Je ne trouve cependant pas de moyen d’importer une image dans le programme.

Savez-vous si cela est possible et si oui pourriez vous m’aider ?

Merci pour votre aide Anne-Sophie


Hello & welcome to the Seamly2D forum, @annesophiev

Up until now, you seem to have been using the Draping Method of flat pattern making, which is quite different to how Seamly2D works, which is using measurements to create points at certain distances from a point of origin to get a ‘Basic’ Sloper on which one would move things & add others to create a pattern which one could resize according to the measurements attached to the file.

The ‘easy’ way to get started with Seamly2D, would be to find one of many basic bodice patterns and a measurement file that is already posted with it (or you could download one from the my pattern cloud) and use it to practice on until you become familiar with moving and adding points to create the designs that you already have.

The ‘hard’ way would be to find a book that will help you to create your own basic sloper and also teach you how to change things to create the pattern that you envisage.

With the ‘hard’ way, you will have a better basic understanding of the why’s and wherefore’s you need to do things in a certain way and how to reference the measurements to get the size correct. I sincerely recommend this way.

A picture is flat and doesn’t reference the measurements needed to resize a pattern. You could measure each area and copy the pattern into Seamly2D directly, and it would work, but I’d suggest first learning how the program works before attempting this.

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Bonjour! You could lay out your draped pattern and use a grid system to transfer it to Seamly. I dont think that you would be able to grade it to different sizes from there because you would need to use formulas that are scalable. I am new to this program as well, so I may be wrong.

Even if you were able to digitize a pattern and upload it to a program, i believe the program itself would have to be a sewing pattern specific program in order to grade it up to different sizes.

I looked at a digitizer table recently that included pattern software to use once the digitizing was complete.

Désolé, je ne parle pas beaucoup de Français.


Das ist nicht so einfach zu machen. Sie drapieren dreidimensional an einer BĂŒste. Der Schnitt ist dann zweidimensional. Wollen Sie diesen gradieren mĂŒssen sie mit den nötigen Sprungwerten arbeiten. Genauso ist es bei seamly2D. Sie brauchen eine Messdatei (Multisize), die die Sprungwerte festlegt und sie mĂŒssen in Seamly2D ein GerĂŒst konstruieren, dass sich auf die Messdatei bezieht. Anschließend mĂŒssen sie den zweidimesionalen Schnitt ĂŒber das GerĂŒst nachbauen, dass sich bei den unterschiedlichen GrĂ¶ĂŸen auch der Schnitt proportional ihrere SprungbetrĂ€ge Ă€ndert.

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Hi @annesophiev, Welcome to Seamly!

As the others have mentioned, even once you are able to copy the pattern into Seamly, if you want it to be able to use Seamly’s instant re-sizing abilities, you’ll need some level of understanding flat-pattern drafting from measurements in order to make that work.

But it is (was?) possible to do this. Back when Seamly & Valentina were not yet completely separated, @Douglas & @MrDoo had a bit to say about it in the thread linked below:

I feel like I’ve also read a thread in which using a bitmap type image was used, but am having trouble finding it.

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Bonjour @annesophiev

J’ai eu l’occasion de dessiner quelques patrons d’aprĂšs image, en utilisant Inkscape comme intermĂ©diaire entre mon image et Seamly. Il s’agissait de patrons relativement simples, et je ne disposais souvent que du shĂ©ma du plan de coupe ou du dessin technique Ă  plat. Comme ce sont des images de petite taille, je les ai scannĂ©es. J’aurais procĂ©dĂ© de mĂȘme avec une photo.

Quand j’ai ouvert l’image dans Inkscape, j’ajoute un calque, et je redessine le contour des piĂšces avec l’outil qui pemet de tracer des segments et des courbes de BĂ©zier. Une fois que c’est fait, en selectionnant l’un aprĂšs l’autre les diffĂ©rents segments, on obtient leur longueur. C’est un bon point de dĂ©part pour tracer les premiers points (Ă  distance, intersections etc
) Pour les courbes, je trace deux tangentes qui se croisent Ă  angle droit (comme pour inscrire un cercle dans un carrĂ©) et je me sert de ce point d’intersection comme repĂšre pour tracer les courbes dans Seamly.

Bien sûr cela demande ensuite quelques arrangements :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

On ne peut pas placer de point à main levée, ni tirer de trait dans Seamly : il faut déterminer le tracé et la position géométrique de chaque point pour créer les piÚces de patrons.

Le mieux est de comprendre Ă  l’avance quelles seront les mesures utilisĂ©e pour dessiner chaque piĂšce, et de bien les prĂ©dĂ©finir avant de commencer le tracĂ© dans Seamly
 surtout si l’on veut obtenir des patrons multitailles puisque les tracĂ©s sont complĂ©tement liĂ©s Ă  la gradation.

Mais cela peut t’ouvrir des pistes ou servir de point de dĂ©part pour faire ce dont tu as besoin.

Accessoirement, au dĂ©but, cela m’a beaucoup servi, pour comprendre les tracĂ©s et la gradation, mais surtout comme exercices pour l’utilisation de Seamly et d’Inkscape :nerd_face:


I have worked out a feature in my personal fork that allows one to load a graphic image (the usual png, jpg, gif, etc) as a background image for each draft block. It inlcudes a toolbar that allows one to scale, locate, rotate the image and set the opacity. By including a known reference measurement on the image you can scale the image to match the real size in the workspace. I’ve actually been busy at work for the 1st time in a year getting costumes for a few shows out the door. I hope to port it to Seamly 2D in the near future. BTW
 you may note in the second attached image there is also a “pen style” toolbar, which keeps track of the current pen being used, which new tools will default to so you don’t have to keep editing every new tool for line type and color. You may also notice that new tools can be assigned to a group while being created
 more on that later.


I have worked out a feature in my personal fork that allows one to load a graphic image (the usual png, jpg, gif, etc) as a background image for each draft block

Douglas, would you be willing to share this personal fork? I’m very interested in this feature :slight_smile:


If you don’t mind waiting a couple weeks I think I can merge this feature into Seamly2D relatively quickly. It was the last thing I was working on my own fork before I jumped into working on Seamly2D so it’s a bit more polished than a lot of features - some of which are unfinished - in my own fork. Besides, I’ve have since discovered that since this feature saves the background image(s) filenames in the pattern file, I need to add code to more elegantly handle a situation where the file is not found by presenting the option to find, load a different, or ignore the background image.


Sounds great. Looking forward to it.

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Hello & welcome to the Seamly2D forum, @dana

I’m also very excited about being able to load a background image :grin:

But I’ll wait patiently, @Douglas :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck:

Make that images
 I made it so you can load an image for each draft block - if you choose. Like I said I just need to address the issue of when an image file is not found - rather than just throwing a warning that the image can’t be loaded. Ideally it would be nice to be to search/ replace multiple images at once, rather than 1 at a time. Several of the video and audio editors I use have this approach for project media files
 where maybe you moved them to another directory, and after replacing the 1st missing file, the app tries to find the rest in the same directory. In any case I need to add the ability to find missing images, even if it just like the searching for a missing measurement file.


Hey Douglas

I am sure that a lot of Seamly2D fans are waiting for this feature. Can’t wait to see it!

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I’m continuing the discussion of importing background images here: Existing SVG file as a background - #44 by Douglas