Improved groups tool

It would be like parent- child relationships, where the child behaves like the parent. For ex you have parent A, and children 1, 2, and 3. You could toggle the visibility of any of 1, 2, or 3 - let’s s say 1 = hidden, 2 = hidden, 3 = visible… but only if A = visible. If A is hidden, so are all the children. Then it’s a matter of how many levels deep you want to go.

The issue I have is putting objects in more than 1 group… for ex: If you want to set an object to the group color, but it’s in 2 groups - what color does it use? Can’t be both, and that’s a dilemma I’m up against at the moment.


Agreed. This is problematic. The way CSS styles are applied would be helpful.
So a group can be hidden, but a subgroup can be visible.
Not sure how to implement this, however. Could be simple, or it could be horrific.


I have had some discussion with @Grace and I’m getting a better idea how to do waht I have in mind. It will be awhile before I even attempt to change the groups behavior.


I’ve got the Groups list all sorting by any of the columns. :slight_smile:

In the keeping with being translatable, I even translated the VLOC (Visible, Locked, Objects, Color) headings. Since you can’t translate a single char, I created tr() strings for the full term, and then just take the 1st char, making sure it’s upper case in the event a translator does not capitalize the term. So if the translations don’t start with VLOC, we’re covered.



I made one final addition to the Groups sorting. It will now save the state of which column you last sorted by and restore that next time you load the pattern. If it’s the first time opening the pattern it will default to the Name column. I will take some of the updates made to the Groups table, and apply them to the Pattern Pieces table - such as saving the sort state.


Great stuff! @Douglas, thank you very much. And I’ll be pleased if you could do the same in the Pattern Pieces table, too. However :grin:

Is it at all possible to rename the pattern pieces in the table? At the moment, it’s using the pattern piece name and it would be nice to add a number or something in front of the name so that one can see at a glance which pattern pieces (for example) use the main fabric and which use the lining, so that one can lay the pieces out according to the fabric used (among other things) and turn the lining pieces off while exporting the fabric pieces, etc.

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I assume you mean in the Pattern Piece docker in Piece Mode? You can rename the pattern piece… using the right mouse conext menu ->Properties… or just double click a piece in the table to open the Properties. I could add a “Rename” item to the table->piece-> context menu.? Or are you just wanting to rename the pieces as they show in the table? There’s no sensible way to do that, as each time you load a pattern the name sort order could be different so prepending a number in front the item names can be different every time. It would be possible though to prepend the "Letter’ text of the piece to the Piece name, where if you assign each piece a Number for the letter, we could get something like 1 - Front, 2 - Back, 3 - Sleeve… and the initial name sort order won’t matter. Or if you prefer to use lletters… A - Front, B - Back, C - Sleeve. Hmmm I like that idea. Challenge accepted. :slight_smile:

You can assign a pattern piece a color to represent the material type. That’s more or less why I added the color property. With a bunch of the commercial patterns I had, the fabric and lining pieces were made of different color tag board so you knew what type of material you should be cutting. You can sort by color* - or material if you will - then toggle whether to include them or not. Ideally if I put some more thought into it I could change the selection property of the table items to use multi item selection to speed up the process of selecting a group of items to hide / not include.

Also just to out the bug in your ear… eventually my idea is to have a materials list where one of the properties would be color, where you could then assign a pattern piece a material type, and it’s color By Material.

*note that apparently the sort by color breaks with the current MSVC build. I fixed it in the Groups table… will fix it in the Pieces table as well.


Just renaming the pieces as they show in the table, if at all possible.

:star_struck: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Wow! Good idea. I like that. Will investigate it :grin:

Thank you very much, @Douglas. You’re a star. And thank you for putting up with me :grin:

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Well… that was pretty easy to add the Letter to the piece table item names. Had to prepend a zero if the number was between 0 and 10 so it sorts numerically. Otherwise you get 1, 10, 11…, 2, 3… etc. Here’s what I came up with… and an example of how the fabric and linings are different colors.



That looks wonderful!!! Thank you very much, @Douglas :star_struck:

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I was hoping to have pushed the changes for the Pattern Piece dock, but after getting lupdate working again I discovered a bug with changing the Language while in Piece mode. SInce the Groups Manager and the Pattern Pieces actually share the same dock container, if you change the language while in Piece mode, the dock Name reverts back to the Group Manager. No bueno.


Got that fixed, and fixed a couple other items, as well as cleaning up a bunch of garbage, vanished. and obsolete translations - many of which are Groups and Pattern Pieces related.


Thank you, @Douglas :star_struck:

Meine gruppe sieht nach dem Update jetzt so aus: Die Reihenfolgen stimmen wieder. Jedoch kann ich eine neu angelegte gruppe nicht mehr verbergen.

Woran liegt das?


@Scholli, that’s the clip board and you don’t have anything added to that group yet. You must go to the Operations > Add Objects to Group, select those items, hit Enter and then select the new group to add them to.

Then you will be able to hide them by clicking on the eye.


Like @Grace said… you need to add objcets to a group, otherwise there is nothing to hide. If a group contains objcets it’s inidcated by the “O” having the history icon set.


I’ve been holding off pushing some enhanments to the Pattern Piece dock, as there are issues related to the right dock area,and the dock that the Groups Manger and Pattern Pieces share. The first being the dock area opening fully expanded and the Mainwindow not maximized:

Secondly if a users changes the language while in Piece Mode, the Pattern Piece dock title reverts back to Group Manager:


and lastly the docks were not tabbed when doing a clean new install without an existing settings file.

These issues have been resolved, and in doing so also resolves an issue with a Qt6 build when installing with existing settings. Win win. :slight_smile:

One of the enhancements to the Pattern Piece dock is the name item will now consist of any existing Piece Letter prepended to the Piece Name. In order to sort numically zeros are prepended to the prefix. For ex: 1 becomes 001, 99 becomes 099. In the screencap below I tried to choose a bunch of different combos to see how it sorts. Probably the case that is odd is if mixing Alphas in the Letter with empty letters. I may try prepending spaces to the Alpha Letter.



Thank you very much, @Douglas. It’s looking really good and I look forward to it once you’re ready to push it through. :star_struck:

excellent, looking forward to it

I made a last minute update to to the Pattern Piece dock… you can see here: Add "Letter" to the Pattern Pieces Table


I finally got back to finishing off the Groups and Piece docks. To make the PR easier to review I split the 2 updates.

The Groups dock update mainly dealis with translating the header and retranslating the dock if a user switches language.

The Piece Dock got a few more changes besides adding the Piece Letter column. I fixed a bug so it now sorts by color. Also to be more consistent I replaced the “checkmark” icon with the Visible On / Off (the Open / Closed eye) icons. The dock also recieved some added translations that were missing. The biggest addition is there is now a toolbar above the table (like in the Groups dock) There are toolbuttons for

Include all pieces
Invert included pieces
Exclude all pieces
Lock all pieces
Invert locked pieces
Unlock all pieces
Color selector
Edit poperties
